= sit about 不做事,懒散地消磨时间;
Don't just stand around wringing your hands. Do something.
辞典例句Where's a taxi stand around hee?
互联网All she does is stand around oozing sex appeal.
无师自通 校园英语会话I can't stand around and do nothin ', I have to be busy at all times.
我就是不能无所事事,什么都不干, 必须得忙个不停.
互联网Why does everyone like to stand around and talk in the rain in movies?
为什么电影中的人们都喜欢站在雨中说话 呢 ?
电影对白Most people with a functioning self - preservation instinct do not just stand around in this area.
互联网He'd be damned if he'd stand around arguing with such a man.
辞典例句Don't stand around gaping.
互联网Come along, children, we can't stand around like lost dogs all day.
赶紧, 孩子们, 我们不能整天都无所事事.
互联网Iron golems are basically huge, powerful , well - armored thugs that stand around looking menacing.
铁魔像通常是巨大 、 壮、身盔甲的壮汉, 看上去就充满了危险性.
互联网All the people stand around the table and sing Happy Birthday.
互联网I stand around chatt with someone.
互联网The Celtics , meanwhile, began to stand around on offense, thinking the game was in hand.
而凯尔特人一度以为比赛已经握在手上, 却忽略了防守的质量.
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